In memory of our dear friend Barry Sidery Smith, Organiser, Driver and Friend to many.
During his life time, Barry provided the opportunity to race at Spa for (probably) thousands of people, and instrumental in providing access & logistics to races beyond the reach of most, such as Chimay, Zolder & Nurburgring, as well top meetings at British circuits, always ensuring a warm welcome to His Drivers. The UK & European Historic Racing Community definitely owes him a lot.
In 2018 to remember with fondness our dear friend and racing colleague Barry Sidery Smith the Sideways Club was formed.
The Sideways Club is designed for drivers who have raced with Barry, joined the club racing fraternity because of him, or anyone who knew and admired him. But it’s not just Barry’s Regulars that are invited to join the club, EVERYONE is welcome to join The Sideways Club and no registration fee is required. Barry would have been pleased to have seen faces old and new!
The formation of the Sideways Club has benefitted much by the help & advice of many enthusiastic friends : Heidi Clark, Barry’s daughter and Simon, Pam MacCarthy, without excepting Pam (Barry’s wife), Brian, Phil, Geoff, Andy, Chris, and many others...
If you are interested in joining, now or in the future, please complete the attached Club Registration form.
If you would like to find out more, please contact Cheng Lim on 0044 (0) 7836 699339 or email cheng@thunderroadcars.com